The fight for customers on the Internet begins with a promotion campaign. At this stage, it is important to plan a strategy to reach potential buyers, depending on the characteristics of a given target and the type of product or service offered. In online sales, there is even less time to attract users' attention. Due to the abundance of advertisements and information, in addition to arousing interest in the product, a potential customer must be quickly guided through the purchase process. 100 shoppers noticed the potential of such an approach by creating a functional analytical tool that is also a widget.
The solution proposed by this international team of marketing specialists brings sales benefits primarily to the brand, but that's not all. A widget is a tool that provides information about the sales path and enables its optimization. For customers, it is a useful button that takes the user directly to the shopping page – what's more, the customer has the opportunity to choose the seller who suits him best, with the best price and delivery conditions.